Lowell and our Charity Partners

We’re a people business. But it’s not just about our customers and colleagues. We’re also committed to helping wider society.

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That’s why - alongside our work influencing policy, tackling the stigma of debt, and promoting financial education - we partner with two charities, MyBnk and Turning Lives Around (TLA).

Our approach to working with charities and partners is two-pronged. On the one hand, we help fund charities, think tanks, and no-for-profit organisations like My Bnk, Turning Lives Around, and the Centre for Social Justice with their research, lobbying, and financial inclusion initiatives; on the other, we signpost our customers to these organisations and more when they need help beyond what we can provide.

We’re supporting MyBnk improve financial education. Last year, our funding helped MyBnk run 26 Key Stage 2 financial education programmes in North West schools. Over seven years, they’ve taught more than 15,000 young people essential money-handling skills: everything from budgeting basics and financial goal setting to understanding debit cards, credit cards, and Direct Debits.

We don’t just help fund these programmes, our colleagues pitch in too. In Oldham, Lowell volunteers have helped run workshops for kids, sharing practical tips about managing money.

Our partnership with MyBnk and the Credit Services Association also includes the Collections Apprenticeship. This 12-month Level 2 Credit Controller & Collector apprenticeship equips youngsters with the skills to succeed both at Lowell and beyond.

We’re driving the conversation about financial education. Earlier this year, our UK CEO, John Pears, met with leaders from Fair4All Finance, StepChange, MyBnk, the CSJ, and the Money and Pensions Service to discuss tackling financial vulnerability in the UK. Together, they outlined recommendations to push debt reform to the top of the national agenda.

In partnership with Turning Lives Around, we’re fighting homelessness in Leeds. Through volunteering days, our colleagues have supported TLA with practical skills - gardening, decorating, and more. But right now, we’re helping transform a former office block into Lowell House. This purpose-built accommodation for five vulnerable young people aged 18-25 is due to open in Spring 2025. It’s part of the government’s Single Homelessness Accommodation Programme, aiming to create 2,400 homes for people at risk of homelessness.

By partnering with MyBnk and TLA, we’re doing more than giving back - we’re empowering communities and shaping a better future.